Juan Pablo Buritica
VP of Eng @splice - I build effective distributed eng teams and latino/latam dev communities @colombia_dev @jsconfco, @rubyconfco, @bogotaJS
New York, NY
Following (16)
nicollejimenez Nicolle Jimenez |
garann Garann Means |
jmsdnns Jms Dnns |
sergiobuj Sergio Botero |
spsaaibi Sebastian Perez Saaibi |
julianduque Julián Duque |
ernie Ernie Miller |
isaacs Isaac Z. Schlueter |
rockbot Raquel Vélez |
ralph Ralph Holzmann |
Followers (92)
orendon Oscar Rendon |
elyalvarado Ely Alvarado |
rickycodes Ricky Miller |
carlosrogue Carlos Guette |
weepingjessica Jessica Rengifo |
husker Pol Carbonell |
veners1991 Veners Priedīte |
ernohalasz Marianna Barna |
Browse others (15)
shenmaxiu Matthew Berryman |
lauriepeacock Laurie Peacock |
bennis Benni Stefanutti |
kenny_ Ken |
drkrbl Derek Raebel |
robertstef Robert-Manuel Stefanica |
bneme Petr Němeček |
jbones Joshua Morrison |