Brady Dale
Journalist. We are on the record.
Pitches should always go to my email, though I probably still won't respond.
Following (103)
coopytroop Ben Cooper |
reubenb Reuben Bramanathan |
jbrukh Jake Brukhman |
jimmysong Jimmy Song |
milkyklim milkyklim |
eljee |
aantonop Andreas M. Antonopoulos |
katieh Katie Haun |
laurashin Laura Shin |
adrianne Adrianne Jeffries |
Followers (69)
ov_ov Ov |
laurashin Laura Shin |
davidfloyd91 David Floyd |
curtisii |
nikhileshde Nik De |
spencerbeggs C. Spencer Beggs |
robmitchell Rob Mitchell |
olvis_experio Olvis E. Gil Rios |
atlan Todd Youngblood |
fekunze Federico Kunze |
Browse others (13)
nasonfish Daniel Barnes |
arientolner Ariën Tolner |
seabasscampos Sebastian Campos |
pawanbapure Pawan Bapure |
mlieberman85 Michael Lieberman |
palebone Ian Philips |
sholladay Seth Holladay |
aidenfox Mason Adams |