Brian Clapper
I am a technology professional with more than 30 years' experience building and maintaining software systems. I used to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but that turns out to be bad for the knees.
Limerick, PA, US
Following (49)
corruptmemory Jim Powers |
david_rysk David Ryskalczyk |
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acruise Alex Cruise |
arosien Adam Rosien |
travis Travis Brown |
nuttycom Kristopher Nuttycombe |
ceedubs Cody Allen |
herder Niklas Herder |
Followers (48)
samrocketman Sam Gleske |
rossabaker Ross A. Baker |
corruptmemory Jim Powers |
calvinlfer Calvin Lee Fernandes |
quantleap Fernando Racca |
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saftamihai Safta Catalin Mihai |
oluies Örjan Angré |
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davinia43gvki Davinia Kilbury |
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michaelp713 Michael Palmer |
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tebrown Travis Brown |
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trfridle Troy Fridley |
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