Fernando Battistella
devops with dogops and a pinch of catops
the cloud
Following (6)
diversario Ilya Shaisultanov |
elementalvoid Matt Klich |
plytro Steve Stodola |
mschurenko |
horaceheaven Horace Heaven |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
Followers (5)
elementalvoid Matt Klich |
plytro Steve Stodola |
diversario Ilya Shaisultanov |
mschurenko |
horaceheaven Horace Heaven |
Browse others (14)
frodehansen Frode Hansen |
sphonickhush Khushil Dep |
palloyd Patrick Lloyd |
6artekjanda Bartek Janda |
mollypace Molly Pace |
georgii_t Georges |
lisarein Lisa Rein |
digitalnomad91 Andrew Corbin |