Adam Getchell
Director of Information Technology at UC Davis, Physics PhD student in quantum gravity, research software engineer. Father, adventure motorcyclist, and BJJ practitioner. Exceptionally busy.
Davis, CA
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jimvanderveen Jim Vanderveen |
amitkumarjaiswal Amit Kumar Jaiswal |
pigg Steve Pigg |
cwebber Christopher Webber |
briancanfixit Brian Rose |
broadley Bill Broadley |
jpknoll John Knoll |
Followers (9)
jimvanderveen Jim Vanderveen |
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broadley Bill Broadley |
joereinhardt Joe Reinhardt |
jpknoll John Knoll |
pigg Steve Pigg |
amitkumarjaiswal Amit Kumar Jaiswal |
briancanfixit Brian Rose |
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